daDonkey Interactive


大驢互動傳媒 daDonkey Interactive 是一間位於橘郡的設計及品牌包裝及推廣公司,以網站、形象、平面設計、及市場營銷為界面,幫助客戶公司在有限成本內拓展推廣、品牌晉級。於2004年以小型工作室模式成立,專業於數位攝影攝像、平面及視像廣告、平面設計、及網頁行銷策劃、設計、及執行。多年來按著市場及客戶需求不斷更新發展,成為一間專業於公司形象包裝、廣告、公司市場營銷方向鎖定、及公司網際網路拓展的全方位公司晉級諮詢、策劃、及執行公司。逾十年的經驗,透過多媒體及網際網路幫助公司拓展、奠定公司形象。有效鎖定公司優勢市場及方針。大驢互動的信念:讓人潮湧入、成為您的商機。

daDonkey Interactive is an Orange County based interactive design and branding company that tailors its web, image, graphic design and marketing specialties for companies in need. We are helping organizations to get to the next level in a better, smarter, wiser and more cost-effective way. First established back in 2004 as a small studio providing multimedia services in digital photography, videography, graphic design and website development. Over the years, we've evolved with the growing client's demands and ever changing online marketing trends, changing our focus on building a better business image and online presence for our clients. We specialized in interactive multimedia including website concept organization, design, and implementation; graphic design; branding; digital marketing; copywriting and advertising. With over 10 years of experience helping business to grow over cyber and virtual space, we have developed an unique process of identifying a company’s competitive edge and convey that idea in the digital space. daDonkey’s mission: Bring people to your business.

How do we work?



Your success is our first priority: a good website is not just about the look and feel, but also the usability and functionality. Unlike other auto-generated website report cards you find online, our specialists will not only thoroughly evaluate your website but also research every business opportunity that fits you. We make sure that your website is optimized to aid you in your path to success.



A fully customized content driven website that fits your needs: the rise of "web application" has made the traditional "business card" website obsolete. More and more functionalities have been added to website to help the site owners to run their business, from shopping cart, reservation, membership, inventory management, to market research. Static website is the past; dynamic web app is the here to stay!



Your website needs to grow with your business. With a solid foundation and latest internet technology, you can help the website to evolve as you go. Website is a two-way relationship; while providing clients its services, it can also collect information about the clients, such as personal information, browsing patterns, locations and etc. With these information, market and business trends can be analyzed.
